Thursday, May 30, 2013

Last Blog- Extra Credit

This blog is optional, but it can be done and used as extra credit.

Create a new holiday. What is it? When is it? What do people have to do on your new holiday?  Answer all of these questions and explain your new holiday in a paragraph (no less than 5 sentences or it doesn't count!!!).

This is due by Friday, June 7, 2013, at 3pm.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Blog #8- Odysseus

Odysseus is considered to be one of Greek mythologies greatest heros.  What qualities does he posses that make him a great hero and leader. However, on the flip side, he also posses many character flaws.  What are these flaws and how do they hurt him and his men?

You need two paragraphs: one explaining what makes Odysseus a great hero and leader, with examples from the story and one paragraph identifying his character flaws, with examples from the story, and explaining how those flaws hurt him and his men.

This is due by Friday, May 17, at 3pm.