Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Blog #4

As we finishing reading The Outsiders, write about a time when you felt like an outsider.  Decribe for us what happened and why you felt like an outsider. 

Your response should be at least 100 words and use proper grammar and mechanics. This blog is due by December 7 at 3pm.


  1. I feel like an outsider from time to time in different places due to my race. Whether it is at Wal-Mart, on vacation, or in my own home, it is not easy being the one Caucasian in town.

    One time I felt particularly like an outsider was when I went on vacation to Washington D.C. I have never been in a city and felt more vulnerable to attack. There were so many people roaming the streets in the heavy one lane traffic, none of which shared my ethnicity. All the windows had bars over them, which is not something we have to worry about in my area. It was quite an experience overall, but I did feel like an outsider for most of that trip. Even though at the time George Walker Bush was the president and he shared both my ethnicity and my IQ in third grade.


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  3. The time I felt like and outsider was when I first came to this school. Before I came to this school I was in the city and everything is so different there than it is here. The classes are bigger and the schools are bigger and not all the grades are in one school its 3 different schools you have to go to when you move up a grade. Like after 5th grade you would go to middle school and that would be a whole new school and new people and after middle school you would have to apply to a good high school and see if you get accepted to it. But here its like you stay in the same building every year and I hardly knew anyone. That is the time I felt like and outsider.

  4. One day I felt like an outsider because I went to my friend’s house to hangout and I hadn’t met anybody in her family before and I didn’t know anybody in her family. It was very awkward for me to be at her house with her family visiting.

    I stayed in her room most of the time when I was there because when I was around her family it made me feel weird in the inside. After I went to her house a bunch of times I got used to her family and I went around them more. I was happy that I got to meet her family, they where very nice and caring. That was the time I felt like an outsider.

  5. I felt like an outsider when I first was diagnosed with Juvenile Type 1 Diabetes on August 26, 2009. I thought I would never be able to eat anything normal again and I would have to go to the hospital all the time and take really painful shots. After I left the hospital I better understood what I had to do and wasn't as worried. Before I left, I thought my life was over and I was going to die. Getting diagnosed with diabetes was actually beneficial to my health. I began eating healthier and lost a lot of weight from fat. When I came back to school after that summer, I was very worried about how I would take my insulin and test myself. I figured everything out and realized that I wasn't any different from anyone else and I could live a normal life.

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  7. I feel like an outsider when I am the only one who is getting killed on Call of Duty. This is because everyone else is getting all the care packages and there’s me, getting shot up every time I start running after I come back from dying. Then when I finally do get a kill someone else shoots me from behind.

    It’s really depressing when I look at my kill/death ratio and it’s67 and everyone else has a 1.67 kill/death ratio. It also is depressing when I look at my screen and see I am in last place with 0 kills and 50 deaths.


  8. An outsider is when you’re left out of some things. Like going to hangout with an old friend and don’t know anybody.
    When I felt like an outsider is when im in sports. When we have games we have to meet new people and sometimes you don’t know anybody. So it’s hard to talk to them. Also you don’t always get to do everything; different people get assigned to different things. When I play a sport I feel left out sometimes. When a group of my friends circle up and whisper to each other and say you can’t here it. So that makes me mad and upset at the same time. I think to myself are they talking about me or did I do something wrong? But then I get over it and pretend it never happened. That’s when I felt like an outsider.
    Erica <3

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  10. I have felt like an outsider only a few times. The time I felt like an outsider the most was when I started playing travel softball last summer. I was on a team called the black widows. Everyone else on the team knew each other because they were already friends, played together last year or was from the same town. I only knew two people but I wasn't really close to them. I started to talk to most of the other players but I always felt different. I hated when we had to get partners because I was always the odd one out. As the season progressed I got more comfortable around everyone. I started to have lots of friends. Unfortunately I messed up my knee when there were four tournaments left. I had to stop playing and I only talk to a few of the people now.

    -Kassi Cook(:

  11. An outsider is someone that feels left out. in gym people are left out if they're not included in the game or thy're picked last. also in lunch people feel left out if they have nobody to sit with. also if your in a situation like your at a dinner party and you only know like one person.

    i have a friend that feels like an outsider because she had to start a new school and she didnt know anybody. She is shy and quiet. They also made fun of her alot and picked on her.

  12. I have felt like an outsider when i went to French Woods. When I got there most of the girls in my bunk already knew each other so I kind of just sat there by myself and went my own way. I was always thinking in my head that they were talking about me. That they were purposly trying to exclude me. I did this for the first week but then i reliezed that i was really excluding myself because I was to shy to be myself around them, but then I just started acting normal and we became really close friends, and still talk to each other all the time.

  13. I felt like an outsider when i was very little and my family went to New York City. We went on a boat to go to the Statue of Liberty and I had to sit by people I did not know. I also feel like an outsider when people invite me to a party and I dont know anyone so i stay glued to my friend. Then after i got to know the people that were there I became good friends with them. I think everyone is an outsider at one point because they make each an outsider but if you get to know the people that you are afraid to talk to you could become good friends.

  14. I have felt like an outsider before. This time comes often. I am not the best at running cross country and I am one of the last few to finish sometimes. I was in a big race once. There were about one hundred and forty five runners. I did the best I could and I took about seventh to last. I was just happy the race was over with. Most races are like this. I don’t really care what place I take. I hate running cross country. The sport is not fun. It is only fun when I am not racing and when I get to hang out with some friends.

    - :Dean Raymond

  15. I have felt like an outsider here and there but not all the time. One time I felt like an outsider when almost all of my friends had a PlayStation 3 and the new Call of Duty game and I didn't. They were always talking about how awesome the new game was and all about the details of it. Meanwhile I’m sitting there all confused and had absolutely no clue as to what they were talking about. Every night they would play together and I would feel so left out. I got over it after a while but I always was left out of playing with my friends on PlayStation.

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  17. I felt like an outsider when I first moved here. I didn’t know anyone because I have never seen them before. I started to do my homework the second night be it was hard because I did not know the people in school and I thought I was left out. But the next day at recess two people came over and asked if the wanted to tag. I obviously said yes because I wanted to make friends and have fun not to be the odd one out. But the friends that asked me to play tag I am still friends with today, and I got more through the years. I am happy now and the kids who asked me to play tag are good people.

  18. I felt like an outsider when I went to summer camp. I've gone to three different camps and each time I feel a little nervous because I don't know anyone and I don't really like to talk to people I don't know.

    This summer I went to camp Sky Lake in Windsor and I felt nervous. But the counselors had everyone in my cabin play a game to get to know everyone and I didn't feel quite so weird. But then I found out that everyone had known each other for a few years since they had been camping on the West Shore. This was the first year they all had been on the East Shore. Then I found a girl I really liked and I felt like I belonged. I also played the bari sax like one of the guys in the band. That also helped. When I went home I didn't feel like an outsider.

  19. I felt like an outsider when my sister just wanted to hangout with her friends and other people and not me. She went through a phase of not liking me for awhile. We are really close so it was hard to not have her around that much. Once in awhile I would try to hangout with her and her friend, but she ignored me. Eventually, she wasn't really mad at me anymore and we started talking and hanging out more. I was upset and felt left out when that happened, but everything is back to normal to now and we are always together.

  20. I have felt like an outsider many times. One time I went to a graduation party and there were only adults there. I just sat in the corner. I waited for some kid to come and talk to me but no one ever did because there was none there. I was very angry because I had been bored and sad and just wanted to go home. I couldn’t go home because nobody was there to babysit me and my parents wanted to stay at the party. I wish even an adult would of came to talk to me but they just went on drinking.

  21. I remember back in the day... I felt like an outsider when i was in 7th grade. I was new to that school and i didn't really know anyone. People would say "Peep that new kid". Sure some girls would tell me im cute but they never really talked to me. No one really talked to me I would always stand out. I felt left out. I'd sit by myself during lunch. No one talked to me during the day. All I got was "Hey your new?" Or "I like you shoes". I felt lonely. I felt unwanted. I felt like a greaser. But, that only lasted about 2 days.

  22. I think that at one point, everyone has felt like an outsider. One time that I felt like an outsider was when I moved up to play varsity football. My team wasn’t very good, we only won two games. Although I learned a lot from that and excelled independently, it would’ve been nice to go undefeated with most of my friends on modified. I was kind of jealous that they did. I made a lot of friends on varsity though and I think it’s going to help in the future years for me. I probably would’ve played varsity again if I had the chance.

  23. The time I felt like an outsider is when I first came to middle school and I didn’t know any of the new rooms or any of the teachers. I also didn’t know half of the kids in my grade and in the higher grades. During lunch I would sit by my self and wouldn’t really talk to anyone because I thought nobody would talk to me. That all changed when people started talking to me and becoming my friends. So after I had friends I didn’t really feel like an outsider anymore and was kind of happy. I wasn’t alone anymore.

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  25. There have been multiple times in my life that I have felt as though I was an outsider. From sports and academics to even outside of school, there have been quite a few cases. One of those times being at a basketball camp at the Binghamton University. This was a day camp, and teenagers from all over New York had attended. It was meant to increase one’s basketball skills. Though I had fun, I felt completely out of place. There were a lot of people and many of them better than myself. I felt like I just didn’t belong, they were all really good and I was a beginner.
    -Kevin L.

  26. There are times in life when I feel like an outsider. I feel like an outsider when I play x-box games with my friend Virginia. I feel like an outsider because her and her friends know how to play the game well and I have no idea what I am doing. I always loose and im the only one who does not know what thier doing. Another time I felt like an outsider was when I was with an old friend of mine that lives in a defferent town. I felt like an outsider because i did not know any of her friends thier.

  27. An outsider is someone that doesnt fit in. I felt like an outsider when i first met my cousin Kaitelyn in walton. I had never met her before and she was with her friends. Her and her friends made me feel left out and were talking about things I didnt fit in with. After awhile though i learned that she is actually really cool and i fit in with her and her friends and we hangout all the time. But before that I defenitly felt like an outsider with her because i just met her. But now me and her are really close cousins. I defenitly understand how the outsiders feel.

  28. I think everyone has felt like an outsider at some point. I have felt like an outsider many times. One time that stands out is when I went to a summer camp for the first time two summers ago. The camp is called French Woods. A lot of the people in my bunk knew each other already, and I didn’t know anyone there. I felt very left out. That didn’t last for long, though. Luckily for me, everyone in my bunk was very friendly. They all introduced themselves to me and invited me to hang out with them. By the end of the three weeks of camp, I became very close to the girls in my bunk. I still keep in touch with all of them and a few of them are now some of my closest friends.

  29. I feel like an outsider many times in my life. I do believe everyone has felt like this before. Like that awkward moment when you are the first at your lunch table and it looks like you have no friends. Also when you are the first one in class and the teacher starts talking to you.

    I feel like an outsider when I go to the family reunion and i'm the only young one in the entire place. I have to sit next to a bunch of old people who I don't know and the whole situation becomes very awkward. I do not enjoy the family reunion

  30. I have felt like an outsider many of times, the most recent time I felt like an outsider was yesterday. The wrestling team had a very important meet in oxford. Therefore we left the school at about 4:30 and got there around 530. When we got in the locker room Devin realized he had forgotten his wrestling shoes, so me being the nice friend I am let him borrow mine because I didn’t think that I was going to have a match. Then I forgot that we still had to go warm up in front of everyone so I had to go out in front of everyone and warm up with no wrestling shoes I felt very out of place and weird.


  31. I have felt like an outsider many times in my life. For example when you get on the bus and there is no seats and you have to sit with someone you don't even know. Or they wont sit with you because you have a lisp. And when you talk to people you accidentally spit all over them.Then in P.E when we play kickball everyone laughs at me when i run the wrong way or fall or miss the ball. And in dodge ball everyone goes after me with them because i am very slow and uncoordinated. As you can see a typical school day can be very difficult for me sometimes.
    -A very sad story by Trenton Curtis:(

  32. The time I felt like an outsider was when I first started middle school because I didnt think the friends I had in elementary school would be my friends still. I didnt know were any of the rooms were and i didnt know any of the teachers and I thought i would have been left out of everything. I thought the school would be different from elementary school and middle school but it didnt change that much except when i had to go to different class's all day.

  33. I have felt like an outsider before. A time I felt like an outsider was when I decided to do track and field instead of baseball. Most of my friends were playing baseball and they were telling me I should have done baseball too instead of running track. I liked track it was a fun experience and I got in a lot better shape and won some awards. I am glad I decided to do track because when I was done I was invited to play in a travel baseball team. In the end I got to do track and field and play baseball.
    - Ronnie Ballard

  34. I felt like an outsider this year when I went with my mom shopping on Black Friday. This was my first Black Friday experience and I was feeling out of place because I was one of the few kids in the store standing on line for hours waiting for IPads. I was not prepared for the experience for many reasons. My mom actually got into an argument with another shopper on line and I just stood there in shock laughing. I was amazed by the Walmart announcement that said "Don't kill anybody over towels". Then when the sales kicked off, people were screaming and grabbing everything in sight. There was two boys that got into a fist fight over PSP games and one ended up with a bloody nose. Walmart is not the place for me on Black Friday and never want to do that again.
    ~katelyn Spencer~

  35. i had felt like an outsider when i was the only girl skating with my guy friends.we had gone skating for the first time together. there were three boys and i was the only girl. it was very awkward. i sat quit in the back seat of the car till we had gotten there. when we did get there tho there were only a hand full of girls there. i felt left out for a while till i finally saw someone i had new a long time ago. we had been friends since we were little. the rest of the time we were there alls we did were skate, play games, drink monsters and dance. we had a lot of fun together. that night when they took me home i was happy that i wasnt by myself sitting in the corner.

  36. The time I felt like and outside is when I played travel baseball for the first time and I had to play the outfield. I also had to sit the bench some times. Also I could not hit the ball to save my life when all my fiends and teammates where hitting the ball in to the outfield. I would always strike out. Also when I was in the outfield I could not catch the ball. The first time I hit the ball was a line drive right back at the pitcher. Also when I first caught the ball I made a diving catch for the third out.

  37. The time I felt like an outsider was in third grade when I went to a new school for the first time. I felt like an outsider because I felt out of place. I didn’t know anyone and it made me feel shy and alone. I was surrounded by hicks after coming from a big old city. After lunch that all changed because I was spoken to. Tony and Steve came up, said hi, introduced themselves, and asked me to hang out. After that I wasn’t so scared and alone. Later we hung out and talked and they became my friends.

  38. I used to feel like an outsider all the time. I'm not exactly Caucasian like the rest of the class and that made me feel left out.
    I also used to move all over all the time. Moving from town to town was hard and it always took time for me to fit in. I felt like an outsider all the time when i moved but when I look back at it now I also have many different types of friends in many different places.
    Feeling like an outsider was tough and took time to change but now I have friends and I don't think I will be feeling like that anymore.

  39. i feel like an outsider all the time like when people say ohh lets all go hangout and no one says oh christian lets go chill and ive never and still dont know to this day i dont know why maybe its cause im all idiotic and uncoordinated and it only makes things worse because people always would pick on me because ive never been good at sports or because i dont wear the same clothes as everyone else it makes it much harder to have friends when your not like everyone else and its hard to fit in because when i get angry i go over the top due to my anger and depression problems but one day i realized being myself is actually staring to make me friends

  40. I have felt like an outsider many times in my life. I usually feel like an outsider when all of my friends talk about playing Call of Duty on PS3. I don't have a PS3, so they like to taunt me about that. They always talk about the amazing graphics and game play. They also talk about new maps that they buy and the awesome guns and kill streaks. This makes me want a PS3 pretty badly. Whenever Christmas or my birthday comes around, there are always other things that I need or want more. This is what makes me feel like an outsider most of the time.

  41. Everybody feels like an outsider at some point in the life. I feel like an outsider in many different ways but mainly when I go with my parents to a party and I have never met anybody there. It is really awkward because they all know me but I have no clue who they are. It feels like I’m the only person left out at the party. I know I shouldn’t feel this way but I do and I really don’t like it. I would rather just not go to those parties and just stay home instead. I would rather be home bored then to fell like an outsider.


  42. I feel like an outsider when I was in 6th grade.. I feel like and outsider because I did not know where to go and where anything was. I was very scared, the big kids scared me. I didn’t know where to sit in class or at lunch. I did not know where I belonged. I luckily had Haley help me find my way around. After a few weeks of school and my sisters help, I began to feel a little better and not so much like an outsider. I was lucky to have friends and my sister to help me feel less like an outsider.

  43. I have felt like an outsider may times. I usually feel this way when I go to my moms friends house and there are always old people and there is no one to talk to. I always feel left out and get really bored. I don't like going but sometimes I have to. I would rather be at home. I also feel like an outsider in school when I am left out of groups and other things.

  44. I felt like an outsider before. I felt like an outsider when I joined my many travel basketball teams. I didnt know anyone on the teams, all I knew was that they liked basketball like I did. I made a lot of friends though. So when we split up in groups finding a partner after a few weeks was easy. I also made a few friends i still talk to and hangout with. Everytime I'm on a new team I feel like an outsider though, but it goes away after awhile. I wish the feeling would never occur but it happens to the best of us.

  45. I've felt like an outsider a few times. One time was at the beginning of the year. I went to Physical Education class and realized it was with a bunch of middle schoolers that I had no idea who they were. We were playing volleyball and I was horrible at it. Every single time the ball came towards me I would try to hit it and when it didn't go back over the net all of the kids would start yelling at me. I honestly had no idea what to do, I knew no one. Before the end of the class I ended up on running into the locker room and crying because I felt that much like an outsider. That was one of the times that I felt like an outsider.
